Wednesday, 29 January 2014

We got a court date!

On Saturday morning I woke up to a facebook message saying  that we have a court date!!! February 21st in Taiwan (approx. 8:20pm February 20th here!) We can't wait! People also have been getting their first decrees much quicker than before! We are so hopeful that our girl will be home this summer. Every time we are discouraged and get to thinking- maybe it won't even be in 2014, everything flips and we hope that we'll be ready! Always trusting in God's perfect timing because I cannot coordinate this! Pray with us in February! After our court date we'll need a first decree, a final decree, then a visa. Then plane tickets!!!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


We are currently experiencing a minor set back, a sort of delay in the Taiwanese courts. Am I discouraged? A little. I have no reason to lie. But more than that I'm hopeful. Hoping for the day I hold her. And try not to cry so many happy tears as to frighten this child. Until then, I don't pray for patience, God grants me patience and I most likely even take that for granted. I don't take for granted the amazing family who is loving our daughter unconditionally. Loving her around the clock so she can love us and love Jesus. We love that little girl. She is part of us already. She makes an appearance in every family picture J draws. She is familiar to us. Like we've known each other since the beginning. She belongs with us making pancakes on Sunday mornings. Not yet. I don't feel impatient. I feel excited. So while I have all the thoughts of what things will be like, I pray for peace. Because there isn't anything I can do at this moment to tell any judge that the information s/he already has is enough. I just pray for peace in my soul so I can enjoy every moment of our family including Her. Even before she is home. I don't want to miss anything because I was worried about something else. And if that doesn't give you an idea of how good the people advocating for us are, I don't know what will. I am grateful and patient and peaceful. At this moment. And hopefully in the moments to come, God willing.